On October 25th and 26th, Biocross do Brasil was present at the XV Encontro Nacional da Batata (National Potato Meeting) – ENB 2017 and VI ABBA Batata Show, organized by the Associação Brasileira da Batata (Brazilian Potato Association) – ABBA.
The objectives of the event were exhibiting products and technologies from the companies and institutions that operate in the Cadeia Brasileira da Batata (Brazilian Potato Chain) and to celebrate ABBA’s 20th anniversary.
Biocross is a company affiliated to ABBA and, at this event, it presented a complete Potato Nutritional Program to the farmers who attended our booth, sharing technology.
On the last day of the event, after the speech celebrating ABBA's 20th anniversary, Biocross’ consultants Éder and Rafael congratulated ABBA's general manager, Natalino Shimoyama.