Agrocap Agronegócios Opening in Monte Alto (SP)

November 5, 2017

With great enjoyment, Agrocap Agronegócios was opened, on November 3rd, in the city of Monte Alto. At this event, we had the esteemed presence of our farmer friends from Monte Alto and region, customers, partners, family members and guests.

The opening of the event began with a welcome and the introduction of its General Director, Antonio Cesar Cappellanes. Then the honorable Mr. João Paulo de Camargo Victório, mayor of Monte Alto, made a brief speech, congratulating the enterprising initiative from Agrocap Board for the city of Monte Alto. Afterwards, we had a lecture focused on the “Onion Marketing Scenario”, given by Mr. Rafael Jorge Corsino, President of ANACE – Associação Nacional dos Produtores de Cebola (National Association of Onion Farmers). Subsequently, Mr. Danilo Fugita, ANACE Delegate from the state of Sao Paulo, made some remarks on the subject and emphasized the importance of ANACE for onion farmers.

For all the present guests, we had the blessing of Father Anderson from Paróquia Nossa Senhora de Fátima. The country duo Mailson & Gabriel enlivened the Agrocap fraternization lunch.

Thanks so much to everyone who attended our event.

Agrocap Agronegócios is located at Avenida Wilson Folador, 1531, Industrial District, Monte Alto (state of Sao Paulo).
Telephone: (16) 3242-4141.

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