Biocross brings to your cultivation safe and efficient products for soil enrichment and incredible results in planting.

Cropmix-80 is obtained through plant-material hydrolysis, 100% soluble in water. Additionally, it provides organic Nitrogen in free Amino Acid form which can be directly used in plant. As a biostimulant, it can promote the flowering, fruiting of crops and fruit expansion, increase yield, prolong shelf life, promote sugar conversion, and increase fruit sweetness.

Function & Benefits

  • Stimulates protein synthesis and improve crop production;
  • Increases absorption of nutrients through leaves and roots;
  • Promotes enzymatic activity as a natural stimulant;
  • Increases the protein, sugar and vitamin content in the plant;
  • Improves the efficiency of the pesticides and fungicides;
  • Increases crop resistance to adverse conditions like drought, frost, and diseases;
  • Provides the plants with needed amino acids and peptides;
  • Decreases the incidence of certain plant diseases;
  • Promoting rapid recovery of crops after disasters;
  • Improves water retention, fertility and permeability of soil.


20 kg bags.


To be stored in a dry, dean, dark, well ventilated, moisture proof place. When stored under normal conditions in original unopened containers, no change of its physical, chemical and biological properties Will occur in a minimum of 3 years.

Main ProductsCROPMIX-80
Total Amino Acid80% min.
Free Amino Acid70% min.
Total Nitrogen17% min.

See also: