Biocross brings to your cultivation safe and efficient products for soil enrichment and incredible results in planting.

Ascomaxx Citros is a mixed mineral fertilizer that has the nutriente Potassium complexed with a high concentration of Ascophyllum nodosum seaweet extract.

Product Characteristics:

• Potassium complexed with 50% of Ascophyllum nodosum seaweed extract for maximum absorption
• The application of this nutrient complexed with the seaweed extract promotes better phenological development of the plants, reduces stress, stimulates root and vegetative growth and better flowering set of Citrus croops

cocoa, coconut, citrus orchard formation, guava, orange, Palestinian sewwt lime, lemon, apple, mango, peach, ponkan mandarin, rubber tree, Eucalyptus, tangerine and citrus seedling nursery.

See also: