Biocross amazes visitors at AgroBrasília 2016

May 24, 2016

Biocross do Brasil was present at AgroBrasília - Feira Internacional dos Cerrados (International Cerrados Exhibition), one of the largest agribusiness exhibitions in Brazil, organized by Coopa-DF - Cooperativa Agropecuária da Região do Distrito Federal (Agricultural Cooperative of the Federal District Area), which has stood out as a source of innovations and doing business with the best companies in the sector and farmers in search of technology.

We received at our booth many customers (farmers, resellers), partners and the general public, who were very interested and amazed by the high technological performance of Biocross’ products, presented through some experiments that were carried out during the exhibition, and also through specific explanations from our consultants.

Even with the slowdown in the economy and the decrease in transactions registered at some exhibitions in the country, the expectation for this year is a great deal of business, according to Coopa (information that will still be sent by the organization of the event). This is mainly due to the high agricultural productivity of the Federal District and the region covered by the event, where rural entrepreneurs with capital use state-of-the-art technology in the largest area of pivot irrigation in Latin America.

Once again, we would like to thank everyone who was present with Biocross at AgroBrasília 2016.

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Where we are

Biocross has the best solutions for your cultivation. Innovative and efficient products for plant vigour, health and growth. We are present throughout Brazil.