Biocross present at the VI Congresso ANDAV in São Paulo

August 23, 2016

Biocross do Brasil Fertilizantes, affiliated to ANDAV, participated for the first time as an exhibitor in the 6th edition of the ANDAV Congress in São Paulo, which took place from August 15th to 17th of this year.

Alongside many important companies in the sector, Biocross presented its exclusive line of premium foliar fertilizer products, in addition to strengthening networking with customers and partner companies.

The 6th ANDAV Congress brought together specialists to present strategic subjects, success stories and best practices for agribusiness professionals to stand out in the Brazilian and international markets. There were three days of presentations, with topics such as:

  • Political, Economic and Financial Scenario and National and International Trends in the Sector
  • Strategic Aspects of Management: Market, Finance, Information, Teams and Leadership
  • Strengthening and Unity for the Success of the Sector

Opening the Forum, Daniel Pagotto, director of Tratto Consultoria, brought information on corporate governance in agribusiness to the congressmen. The second lecture on Wednesday morning was given by Veridiana Cavalheri, Business Coach and Performance Trainer of the Sociedade Brasileira de Coaching, who highlighted coaching tools for the development of global leaders in a global agribusiness. Closing the 2016 edition of the ANDAV Congress, Rafael Baltresca motivated the attendants by presenting the aspects of the subconscious that involve success. Baltresca is a motivational speaker, facilitator and corporate hypnologist.

The success of the 6th ANDAV Congress – Fórum & Exhibition  – was confirmed by all the participants, from delegates to exhibitors. So far, 30 companies have confirmed their booths for 2017: Agrocontar, Agrotis, Aminoagro, Brid Consultoria, Giro Agro, Grupo Vittia (Biosoja), Helm do Brasil, ICL, Kimberlit, Khulmann Monitoring, M Prado, Multitécnica, Nortox, Ouro Fino, Química Anastácio, Santa Clara, Siagri, Spraytec, among others.

Sponsorship and Institutional Support

The 6th ANDAV Congress – Forum & Exhibition had the master sponsorship of Syngenta, gold sponsorship from Dow and HELM and silver sponsorship from Bayer, in addition to institutional support from important entities such as Associação Brasileira das Indústrias de Tecnologia em Nutrição Vegetal (ABISOLO), Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (ABNT), Associação dos Distribuidores de Insumos Agrícolas do Estado de São Paulo (ADIAESP), Associação de Distribuidores de Insumos Agrícolas do Cerrado (ADICER), Associação dos Distribuidores de Insumos Agrícolas do Centro Oeste e Sul de Minas (ADICOSUL), Associação dos Engenheiros Agrônomos do Estado de São Paulo (AEASP), Associação Nacional de Defesa Vegetal (ANDEF), Conselho Estadual das Associações de Revendas de Produtos Agropecuários de Mato Grosso (CEARPA), Sindicato Nacional da Indústria de Produtos para Defesa Vegetal (SINDIVEG), Associação Brasileira das Empresas de Controle Biológico (ABCBIO), Associação Brasileira dos Defensivos (AENDA), Associação do Comércio de Insumos Agrícolas (ACIAGRI), Associação Brasileira das Indústrias de Química Fina, Biotecnologia e suas Especialidades (ABIFINA).

ANDAV – Associação Nacional dos Distribuidores de Insumo Agrícolas e Veterinários (National Association of Agricultural and Veterinary Input Distributors) – has become recognized by the Government, industry class entities, manufacturers and, mainly, by agricultural input distributors in Brazil, as a legitimate representative of the sector, over more than 20 years of hard work. With the mission of contributing to the development, differentiation and sustainability of its associates, aiming at improving the business of distributing agricultural and veterinary inputs, today ANDAV has currently more than 1,000 affiliates present in more than 400 cities, in 26 states of the federation. ANDAV represents the sector before the Government, aiming to demonstrate the importance of distribution and the insertion of the segment in agricultural policies.


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Where we are

Biocross has the best solutions for your cultivation. Innovative and efficient products for plant vigour, health and growth. We are present throughout Brazil.