All Biocross technology available to farmers in the Brazilian Midwest at Tecnoshow 2016

April 9, 2016

During the second week of April, Biocross do Brasil was present, in Rio Verde (state of Goiás), at one of the main exhibitions of Rural Technology in the Midwest of Brazil: Tecnoshow.

Everyone who visited the Biocross stand was surprised by the live demonstrations of some products and their performances for foliar fertilization in agriculture, according to the explanations of the Biocross Consultants.

The TECNOSHOW COMIGO exhibition, organized by COMIGO – Cooperativa Agroindustrial dos Produtores Rurais do Sudoeste Goiano (Agroindustrial Cooperative of Rural Farmers of the Southwest of Goiás), has grown every year, both in the number of exhibitors (540) and product sales (1.3 billion Reais), as in the number of visitors (98,000).

Diversity is a hallmark of the event. Agricultural machinery and equipment, agricultural plots, animals from the most varied species, technical and economic lectures, environmental education (through the COMIGO Environmental Circuit and Rural Environmental Management Award) and machine dynamics are some of the attractions.

It is an extensive showcase of technologies for the rural customer, whether small, medium or large farmer, it is considered the Big Exhibition of Rural Technology in the Brazilian Midwest.

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Where we are

Biocross has the best solutions for your cultivation. Innovative and efficient products for plant vigour, health and growth. We are present throughout Brazil.