Biocross brings to your cultivation safe and efficient products for soil enrichment and incredible results in planting.

Protton Citros has the nutrient Potassium and the additive Phosphorous Acid in high concentration. This formulation stimulates plant metabolism for different types of stress, conditioning the pH of the spray mixture to an acid medium, favoring the application.

Product Characteristics:

• Rapid absorption of the nutrient Potassium by the plants
• Highly concentrated product
• Differentiated formulation of the nutrient Potassium with the additive Phosphorous Acid
• The nutrient Potassium structures plant metabolism (osmotic pressure of the cells)

citrus orchard formation, sweet lime, Palestinian sweet lime, Persian lime, tangerines (cvs: ponkan, murcott, cravo tangerine), oranges (cvs: Pera Rio, Natal, Bahia, Hamlin, Valencia) and citrus seedling nursery.

See also: