Biocross holds a lecture at the Encontro Técnico de Produtores de Tomate in Itaqui (SP)

February 23, 2017

On February 21, the Encontro Técnico de Produtores de Tomate (Technical Meeting of Tomato Farmers) took place in Itaqui (state of São Paulo), in partnership with the reseller Equilíbrio Insumos Agrícolas.

The lecture, presented by the Research & Development manager, Naylor Aguiar, presented the company's product portfolio, the nutritional program aimed at tomato cultivation and the benefits of the Ascophyllum nodosum seaweed, present in most Biocross products.

There was a lot of interaction from the audience, where they could clarify their doubts. Biocross do Brasil thanks everyone, partners and producers, for participating in this important event.

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Where we are

Biocross has the best solutions for your cultivation. Innovative and efficient products for plant vigour, health and growth. We are present throughout Brazil.