1st Onion Cultivation Technological Field Day - Agrocap Agronegócios

August 23, 2018

On August 23rd, the 1st Onion Cultivation Technological Field Day was held, organized by Agrocap Agronegócios, in partnership with Biocross, BASF and Topseed Premium.

We had more than 70 attendants among farmers, buyers and sharecroppers from the cities of Monte Alto, Taquaritinga, Vista Alegre do Alto, Taiaçu and the area.

The event was held in partnership with Agrocap suppliers, aiming to present Seed Hybrid Technologies, Nutrition and Phytosanitary Control.

Biocross do Brasil presented its nutritional program for the onion cultivation and its respective application periods, demonstrating the result of uniformity and quality of bulbs in the field.

We would like to thank Agrocap for the partnership and the visitors for their attendance!

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Where we are

Biocross has the best solutions for your cultivation. Innovative and efficient products for plant vigour, health and growth. We are present throughout Brazil.