Biocross brings to your cultivation safe and efficient products for soil enrichment and incredible results in planting.

Mattura is a simple mineral fertilizer in suspension that has in its formulation the nutrient Potassium complexed with the amino acid Methionine, being readily available for plant absorption.

Product Characteristics:

• Potassium totally bioavailable for the plants, complexed with the amino acid Methionine
• Rapid absorption of the nutrient Potassium
• The metal-amino chelate structures the physiological metabolism of plants
• Stimulates the translocation of carbohydrates and starches to branches and fruits
• Promotes the structuring of branches and fruits
• Uniform maturation

Crops: pineapple, pumpkin, peanut, potato, coffee, onion, citrus, vegetables in general, papaya, mango, watermelon, melon, tomato and grape.

See also: