34º Seminário Nacional da Cebola e o 25º Seminário da Cebola do Mercosul (34th National Onion Seminar and 25th Mercosur Onion Seminar)

May 13, 2024

We were in the "Northeast's Onion Capital" on May 9 and 10, taking part in the 34th Seminário Nacional da Cebola and the 25th Seminário da Cebola do Mercosul.

João Dourado (BA) has prepared a vast program to celebrate its 39th anniversary, including the traditional Onion Festival. On Friday, our Research Manager, Naylor Daniel da Costa Aguiar, gave a talk on "Soil Health, Correlation of Physical, Chemical and Microbiological Interactions".

In addition to the presentation, the Biocross do Brasil stand welcomed visitors, agricultural professionals, and producers from the region in search of the best management and soil revitalization technology.

Thank you, everyone!

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Where we are

Biocross has the best solutions for your cultivation. Innovative and efficient products for plant vigour, health and growth. We are present throughout Brazil.